Discipline: Economics

Analyze the relationship between knowledge-based economic decision-making and economic growth.Analyze the relationship between knowledge-based economic decision-making and economic growth.

● Selects a global Fortune 500 company.● Analyzes the firm’s history.● Summarizes the firm’s economic, social and political forces that affect the firm. ● Presents the firm’s recent and current operating results (financial performance) data in a table.● Evaluates the firm’s recent operating results.● Analyzes the major economic forces that affect the firm.● Discusses key […]

ECP 3302: Introduction To Environmental Economics Term Paper: Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Metro-Dade Mass TransitECP 3302: Introduction To Environmental Economics Term Paper: Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Metro-Dade Mass Transit

Your report must be neatly typed in single space. Make sure to indicate your 9 Digit Number in the front: 9-digit #:    582868662. Present all the main numbers (Benefit Cost Ratio, NPV, etc.) in a table. I expect this report to take at least 4 pages. Evaluation: I will be looking for 2 important aspects: a) how well you […]

The Future of Trade and Finance: Hong Kong’s Strategic Position in Euro-China RelationsThe Future of Trade and Finance: Hong Kong’s Strategic Position in Euro-China Relations

This topic could focus on future trends and challenges in trade and finance, considering Hong Kong’s strategic role in a rapidly changing global economy. Basic Idea (brainstorm): Abstract This research paper explores the evolving role of Hong Kong in the trade and financial dynamics between the Euro area and China. As a prominent international financial […]

Have international financial flows increased in importance? (Need Lots of Tables, Graphs, and Regression Model Analysis on STATA/Excel!!!!)Have international financial flows increased in importance? (Need Lots of Tables, Graphs, and Regression Model Analysis on STATA/Excel!!!!)

(This PPT needs lots of tables, graphs, and researchs, focusing on the regression models and graphing on STATA/Excel) please use STATA as the first choice for the analysis. 1. Dataset: (import to STATA, destring, sort…) WEO_Data_CurrAcctBalUSD.xlsx WEO_Data_Investment_Saving_Apr24.xlsx 2. Description of Assignment: (please follow this guideline strictly, needs citation for FH puzzle, methodology parts… no specific […]

RQ: To what extent does the allocation of U.S tax payer funds go into environmental prospects within the U.S government?RQ: To what extent does the allocation of U.S tax payer funds go into environmental prospects within the U.S government?

“U.S. Treasury Fiscal Data.” Currency Exchange Rates Converter Tool, fiscaldata.treasury.gov/. Accessed 8 Oct. 2024.  Sherriff, Lucy. “U.S. Taxpayers Are Investing $375 Billion in Climate Change. These 4 States Are Already Ahead of the Curve.” Fortune, Fortune, 31 Aug. 2022, fortune.com/2022/08/22/u-s-taxpayers-are-investing-375-billion-in-climate-change-these-4-states-are-already-ahead-of-the-curve/.  “Fact Sheet: The President’s Budget Creates Good-Paying Clean Jobs, Cuts Energy Costs, and Delivers on […]

What economic strategies has Lockheed Martin used to respond to fluctuations in United States defense budgets?What economic strategies has Lockheed Martin used to respond to fluctuations in United States defense budgets?

The Final Written Project must analyze the following topic:  “The firm: Microeconomic features and Macroeconomic aspects”  Include two theories and at least 3 authors discussing the Theory of the firm (Lockheed Martin).   – Include at least 3 macroeconomic variables and theoretical concepts relevant to the specific analysis.   – Key words that MUST be included in […]

Research paper on Economics and the criminalization of poverty, with sub themes of gender roles of poverty and Race of poverty.Research paper on Economics and the criminalization of poverty, with sub themes of gender roles of poverty and Race of poverty.

My research paper will be about the criminalization of poverty, with sub themes focusing on gender roles and race. The 2 sub themes I think tie into the main topic since race and gender can play a role when it come to criminalization of people in poverty. This is an issue since some of the […]

Discuss the limitations of unemployment as a measure of the economic performance of a country.Discuss the limitations of unemployment as a measure of the economic performance of a country.

Discuss the limitations of unemployment as a measure of the economic performance of a country. Your response should be typed, using 12-point font (Times Roman), double spaced, 1″ margins. Proofread your work before turning it in and check your spelling. References should be done in APA style. Any Tables and Charts are to be placed at the […]

The Economic Impact of U.S. Sanctions on Solar Panels: Implications for FEMA Initiatives and Energy Resilience in Puerto RicoThe Economic Impact of U.S. Sanctions on Solar Panels: Implications for FEMA Initiatives and Energy Resilience in Puerto Rico

write about The Economic Impact of U.S. Sanctions on Solar Panels: Implications for FEMA Initiatives and Energy Resilience in Puerto Rico. Specifically outlining  1. Introduction  Overview of U.S. Trade Policy and Solar Energy  Provide a brief overview of the U.S. trade policy landscape regarding solar panels, particularly focusing on the 2022 sanctions against Southeast Asian imports.  […]