Mini Case Study – Open House Co., Ltd. engages in real estate agency and brokerage business

Select a article on a company that address operations management challenges.
Use the following guidelines to develop your case analysis.  Remember you MUST apply APA 7th edition.
  1. Background – Investigate the Company’s History and Growth.
  2. Company’s Growth – Identify Strengths and Weaknesses.
  3. Company’s competiting elements – Examine the External Environment.
  4. Analyze the Business findings based on Operations Management Principles -Analyze Your Findings.
  5. Outline the Way forward for the company – Identify Corporate-Level Strategy.
  6. Outline the strategy and how it will be impolemented – Identify Business-Level Strategy.
  7. Highlight potential barriers – Address the Analyze Implementations.
  8. Recommended Solutions – Make Recommendations.
  9. Conclusion –   you must use headers and sub headers to guide the paper.
A paragraph must be 3-5 sentences.
FORMAT IN APA 7th Edition
Title page
Running header and page number start on title page
1″ margins
double space throughout entire document.
Indent 5″ the first line of each paragraph.
Headers and/or sub headers are mandatory
Reference Page is mandatory with at least three references.
Let me know if you have any questions.

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