The requirements for the Research Paper are the following:
- The paper is due in Week 12
- The total length of the paper will be a minimum of seven pages:
- Two of the pages are:
- Title page in APA 7th format
- Reference page in APA 7th format
- Students should not submit an Abstract
- The body of the paper should be a minimum of five pages:
- Double-spaced
- Times New Roman, 12-page font
- In the first page of the body, the material immediately under the title will be the Introduction (DO NOT USE A SPECIFIC HEADING ENTITED “INTRODUCTION.
- In APA 7th, it is understood that the material following the level one heading or title is the introduction (See below for the architectural elements that belong in the Introduction and the rest of the paper)
- The reference page must contain a minimum of five references
- These must be peer-reviewed articles or academic books
- Students MUST NOT use professor lectures, internet material, or any materials that were used as teaching material provided by the professor in Blackboard.
- The following headings should be used:
- Level one (title and Conclusion
- Level Two
- Level Three
- Level Three
- If there is adequate space, students can use two level four headings (remember, in APA 7th, there are five levels of headings; when students use headings three to five, there should be two of each heading, back-to-back.
- For example, whenever students use heading levels, three, four, or five, there must be at least two of the specific headings (e.g., level three) back-to-back.
- That rule also applies to levels four and five, though in a short paper, such as we are using, most students do not need or have enough page space for levels four and five.
- The final heading is Conclusion
- In the Conclusion, NO new information should be included; students should summarize the prior material only, reiterating their thesis and purpose statements.