- All the information you need to write the paper can be found in your textbook. You don’t need to use any other sources. If you do use other sources and do not use and cite the textbook, that will be counted against your score.
- The paper should use standard notation. Every time you quote from the textbook or use information from the textbook, you have to use quotation marks and give the page number where the quote can be found. Failure to cite your sources will be counted against your score.
- You should also follow standard expository composition format. You should have a short (not more than one paragraph in a paper this length) introduction and a short conclusion. You should spend most of your paper laying out your points and supporting them with evidence drawn from the textbook.
Describe how the bubonic plague was transmitted in the sixth century and what affects it had on the Byzantine Empire. Discuss how the plague affected the army and was partly responsible for the loss of territory to the Muslim army.
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